Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs provides a useful framework for understanding the progression of healing in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) recovery. The
Read MoreThe Mandala Room
Beyond the Binary: The Super Bowl, Opposites, and the Illusion of Separation
The Super Bowl is a grand spectacle, a ritual that captivates millions with its clear-cut narrative of heroes and villains, winners and losers. It
Read MoreThe Dunning-Kruger Effect in Recovery: Insights and Arrogance
The Dunning-Kruger effect, a cognitive bias that leads people to overestimate their knowledge or competence in areas where they lack expertise, has
Read MoreMeritocracy, Recovery, and the Responsibility of Privilege
What Is Meritocracy? Meritocracy is an idea that feels logical, even ideal: a system in which individuals succeed based on their abilities,
Read MoreThe Evolution of Christmas and the Illusions of Recovery: A Cultural Reflection
The history of Christmas is as layered and intertwined as human civilization itself. From the Roman festivals of Bacchus to the Germanic
Read MoreHonoring Alfred Adler: Foundational Insights for Modern Recovery
At Fellowship House, we strive to honor the enduring contributions of influential thinkers in psychology, especially those whose ideas resonate deeply
Read MoreExploring AI in Addiction Therapy at Fellowship House
Introduction At Fellowship House, we are stepping into the future with AI, recognizing its potential to transform addiction therapy. Through
Read MoreAtticus, True Slavery
Introduction: The Concept of “Addict” as Enslavement The word “addict” finds its origins in the Latin term addictus, which means “to be bound”
Read MoreMaking Amends: The Path to True Healing
At many meetings, you may hear the phrase, "We will be amazed before we are halfway through." But halfway through what? This line points
Read MoreAnxiety and Its Origins: Tracing Heat, Pressure, and Civilization
If we want to get to the core of anxiety, tracing it back to its first principles of existence, we might start with the delta symbol. In chemistry,
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